2026 Rugby League World Cup To Be Hosted By Australia And Papua New Guinea

It has been announced that Australia will host the bulk of the 2026 Rugby League World Cup, with Papua New Guinea also hosting games. The competition will feature ten teams, as well as having women’s and wheelchair Rugby League World Cup competitions running alongside the mens competition. I personally felt that the 2026 World Cup…

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Podcast: Fergo And The Freak – Episode 106 – The Disastrous British Lions Tour And Fiji And Papua New Guinea Play Out A Classic!

In this episode we keep an eye on the Greece vs Serbia World Cup qualifier that was being played as we recorded, we talk extensively about Great Britains disastrous Lions Tour and the repercussions for the British game, we chat about the incredible Fiji vs Papua New Guinea game and just generally chat about Rugby…

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2019 Rugby League Test Schedule, 2019 Oceania Cup and 2019 Great Britain Lions Tour Dates Announced

Dates and venues have been announced for the Oceania Cup and Great Britain Lions Tour of 2019. The Jillaroos and Kiwi Ferns will play alongside the Kangaroos and Kiwi’s in a historic match at WIN Stadium at Wollongong. The same weekend will feature a great game between Great Britain and Tonga in New Zealand which…

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England Are So Good The Only Competition They Could Get Would Be Against An All Star Team?

French Rugby League was doing really well until a bit of money started to be generated by it and the French game was infiltrated by English coaches and officials. These leeches walked into a growing area that was showing great promise and started to tell the French how to become even more competitive….like England. It…

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