Well, the incredible success of my web site continues as today, LeagueFreak.com smashed its way through the 2.5 million hit barrier. It is just the latest achievement in what has been a big year for the site.
A move to a new web server and a complete site re-design has seen the site take a big step forward. The best thing is, every change to the site has been supported by readers and members of the social media network who have been fantastic when it comes to retweeting links and sharing articles.It has also been great to get the support of various Rugby League journalists and others within the game. I’ve never been the type to try and search these people out, so to get recognition from them is pretty cool.
Unlike most other web sites, everything you see here comes from one person… The Glorious League Freak.
I don’t have a staff, I don’t have a marketing budget and I don’t have all the benifits that come from the backing of a media outlet. I just do my own thing, and people seem to enjoy it!
So what does this monstrosity actually consist of? Well there are 3690 Twitter followers, 510 Facebook members and 148 web site members. I’ve been doing my best to make the site more interactive over the last year so that everyone can jump on here and have their say. So far, it seems to be working and people are starting to comment on the site itself more and more. I’d encourage everyone to join the site. Its really simple, it takes about two minutes and it lets you place a comment on every single page of the site!
I always tell people, if you want to write something, do it. I’ll post it on the site. You can see the results in the Featured Guest Writers section. There are some really good reads in there.
I’m always willing to help out a new site as best as I can and give any advice along the way. My best peice of advice is always “You are competing with Porn. You have all of 10 seconds to grab a potential readers attention before they decide to hit up Redtube”. I’ll link a site up or retween links. I always figure that karma will always come back to you if you support everyone you can, and I remember when I was first putting my site together, there were people that gave me a heap of support, and others that went out of their way to make it difficult.
Like they could ever stop this! 😀
Twitter has been a big driver of the web site in recent years and if you follow me you know how much fun I have on there. The only problem with having so many followers is that I can’t reply to everyone when I’m getting a heap of replies myself. Believe it or not, I feel really bad about not replying to people that take the time to message me. I also wish I had the time to thank every person that retweeted links but its just impossible because of how many people do it!
So if you retweet links, general tweets or your just send me a reply and I don’t get back to you, don’t think it went unnoticed. I laugh my arse off every day to the replies I get and I read every single one of them!
Recently I’ve been putting a lot more work into the Facebook page. I do my best to not spam everyones time line like other Facebook pages you do. I will post links to articles on there and any major news, but thats where I draw the line. There has been some great discussion on there lately too, so if you haven’t joined it yet you should give it a go.
Now, it would be wrong of me to not mention the people that love to hate me, but who really just love me. We all know who I am talking about. They drink warm beer, they have bad teeth and they avoid soap at all costs.
Thats right, I’m talking about the Poms.
Its doubtful my site would be where it is at today without their willingness to get into throw down, dragged out arguments over the years. I’ve been rumbling with the Poms for well over a decade now and its funny because, where at first they thought I was just a troll looking to piss them off, in more recent years they have kind of turned around to see me as a bloke with some pretty good ideas….that is just looking to piss them off.
So to all you Pommy Bastards, just keep reading. I’ll continue your education! 😀
I also need to thank TechHelper.com.au who is now my longest serving sponsor and ZeroTackle.com.au who not only host the web site, but basically run all the really technical stuff I’m no good at. Without ZeroTackle.com.au stepping up, the web site would not be as cool as it is today.
Last but not least, you! Yeah, YOU! You come here and read what I have to say. It is always cool to hear from people that enjoy the site and who have been following me from even before the site existed. I’ll keep bashing out decent reads as long as you fuckers keep turning up.
So the next milestone is 3 million hits. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to get there.
Shall we….